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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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Internationa} Bureau 


(51) International Patent Classification 6 : 
G01N 27/42, 27/52, 27/49 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 97/00441 

(43) International Publication Date: 3 January 1997 (03.01 .97) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/AU96V00365 

(22) International Filing Date: 19 June 1996 (19.06.96) 

(30) Priority Data: 

PN 3639 

19 June 1995 (19.06.95) 


(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): MEMTEC 

Dcereco Road, Timonium, MD 21093 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HODGES, Alastair, Mchv 
doe [AU/AU]; 34 Samuel Road, Blackburn South, VIC 3130 
(AU). BECK, Thomas, William [AU/AU]; 31 Dmmmond 
Street, South Windsor, NSW 2765 (AU). JOHANSEN, Odd- 
var [NO/AU]; 16 Damley Grove, Mulgrave, VIC 3170 

(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BB, BG, BR, BY, 
CA, CH, CN, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE, HU, IL, 
IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, 
MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX. NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, 
SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, 17, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, 
VN, ARIPO patent (KB, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, 
LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, 
CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


With international search report. 

(74) Agent: SHELSTON WATERS; 60 Margaret Street, Sydney, 
NSW 2000 (AU). 


(57) Abstract 

A method for determining the concentration of a reduced (or oxidised) form of a redox species in an electrochemical cell of the 
kind comprising a working electrode and a counter electrode spaced from the working electrode by a predetermined distance, said method 
comprising the steps of: (1) applying an electric potential difference between the electrodes; (2) selecting the potential of the working 
electrode such that the rate of electro-oxidation of the reduced form (or electro-reduction of the oxidised form) of the species is diffusion 
controlled, (3) selecting the spacing between the working electrode and the counter electrode so that reaction products from the counter 
electrode arrive at the working electrode; (4) determining current as a function of time after application of the potential and prior to 
achievement of a steady state; (5) estimating the magnitude of the steady state current, and (6) obtaining from the change in current 
with time and the magnitude of the steady state current, a value indicative of die diffusion coefficient and/or of the concentration of the 
reduced form (or the oxidised form) of the species. Also disclosed is an apparatus for determining the concentration of a redox species 
in an electrochemical cell comprising: an electrochemical cell having a working electrode and a counter (or counter/reference) electrode, 
means for applying and electric potential difference between said electrodes, means for measuring the change in current with time, and 
characterised in that the working electrode is spaced from the counter electrode by less than 500 jim. 


Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international 
applications under the PCX 




United Kingdom 















Burkina Paso 





















Democratic People's Republic 
of Korea 


Central African Republic 




Republic of Korea 





Cote dlvoire 





Sri Lanka 



















Republic of Moldova 




























New Zealand 








Russian Federation 




















Trinidad and Tobago 






United States of America 




Viet Nam 

WO 97/00441 




This invention relates to a biosensor and more particularly to an electrochemical 
biosensor for determining the concentration of an analyte in a carrier. The invention is 
5 particularly useful for determining the concentration of glucose in blood and is described 
herein with reference to that use but it should be understood that the invention is 
applicable to other analytic determinations. 

Electrochemical biosensors generally comprise a cell having a working electrode, 
10 a counter electrode and a reference electrode. Sometimes the function of the counter and 
reference electrodes are combined in a single electrode called a "counter/reference" 
electrode or "pseudo reference electrode". As herein used the term "counter electrode" 
includes a counter/reference electrode where the context so admits. 

The sample containing the analyte is brought into contact with a reagent 
15 containing an enzyme and a redox mediator in the cell. Either the mediator is reduced 

WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


(receives at least one electron) while the analyte is oxidised (donates at least one 
electron) or visa versa. Usually it is the analyte which is oxidised and the mediator 
which is reduced. The invention will be herein described principally with reference to 
that system but it is also applicable to systems in which the analyte is reduced and the 
5 mediator oxidised. 

Electrochemical glucose analysers such as those used by diabetics to monitor 
blood glucose levels or such as are used in clinics and hospitals are commonly based 
upon the use of an enzyme such as glucose oxidase dehydrogenase (GOD) and a redox 
mediator such as a ferricyanide or ferrocyanide. In such prior art system, the sample 
10 (e.g. blood) containing the analyte (e.g. glucose) is brought into contact with the reagents 
in the cell. Glucose is oxidised to gluconic acid and the glucose oxidase is thereby 
reduced. The mediator then re-oxidizes the glucose oxidase and is reduced in the 
process. The reduced mediator is then re-oxidized when it transfers electrons to the 
working electrode. After allowing passage of a predetermined time, sufficient to obtain 
15 an accurate estimate of the Faraday current, the concentration of glucose is estimated 
from the magnitude of the current or voltage signal then measured. 

Prior art electrochemical cells consist of two (or three) adjacent electrodes spaced 
apart on one side of an insulator and adapted for connection to a measuring device. A 
target area on which the blood sample is placed is defined on or between the electrodes. 
20 Co-pending Application PCT/AU95/00207 describes a cell in which electrodes are 
disposed on opposite sides of a porous membrane, one of the electrodes having a liquid 
permeable target area. 


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In the prior art there is a need to separate the working electrode from the counter 
(or counter/reference) electrode by a sufficient distance to avoid products of 
electrochemical reaction at one electrode from interfering with those at the other. In 
practice a separation of the electrodes of more than 500 \im is required to achieve 
5 acceptable acci^acy. 

Each batch of cells is required to have been previously calibrated and leads to 
inaccuracies during use because of variations within the batch, in sample composition, 
and in ambient conditions. 

It is desired to improve the accuracy and reliability of such biosensors. 

1 0 Achievement of these objectives is made difficult in the case of sensors intended to 

determine the concentration of analytes in blood because blood contains dissolved gases, 
ions, colloids, complex micelles, small scale cellular debris, and living cellular 
components in a predominantly aqueous medium; Any of these may interfere in the 
determination. Existing sensors are also susceptible to influence from other interfering 

1 5 substances that may be present in the sample and which may be oxidised at the working 
electrode and mistakenly identified as the analyte of interest. Alternatively/the 
interfering substances may reduce the oxidised form of the redox mediator. These 
effects will give artificially elevated estimates of the analyte concentration. Additionally 
there is always some reduced redox mediator present before the analyte is added and its 

20 concentration needs to be known and subtracted from the measured value of reduced 
mediator to give an accurate concentration of the analyte. Moreover, oxygen in the 
blood may act as a redox mediator for glucose oxidase dehydrogenase (GOD) in 
competition with ferrocyanide. Thus high oxygen concentrations can lead to low 



WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/0036S 


estimates of glucose concentration. In addition the measurements are sensitive to factors 
such as changes in humidity, temperature, solution viscosity and haematocrit content. 

It is an object of the present invention to provide a method of analysis and 
5 apparatus for use in the method which avoid or ameliorate at least some of the 
disadvantages of the prior art It is an object of preferred forms of the invention to 
provide a biosensor of improved accuracy, and/or reliability and/or speed and a method 
for its use. 


According to one aspect the invention consists in a method for detennining the 
concentration of a reduced (or oxidised) form of a redox species in an electrochemical 
cell of the kind comprising a working electrode and a counter electrode spaced from the 
working electrode by a predetermined distance, said method comprising the steps of: 

(1) applying an electric potential difference between the electrodes, 

(2) selecting the potential of the working electrode such that the rate of 
electro-oxidation of the reduced form (or electro-reduction of the oxidised form) of the 
species is diffusion controlled, 

(3) selecting the spacing between the working electrode and the counter 
electrode so that reaction products from the counter electrode arrive at the working 

20 electrode, 

(4) deterniining current as a function of time after application of the potential 
and prior to achievement of a steady state, 

(5) estimating the magnitude of foe steady state cuirent,and 



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(6) obtaining from the change in cuiTent with time and the magnitude of the 
steady state current, a value indicative of the diffusion coefficient and/or of the 
concentration of the reduced form (or the oxidised form) of the species. 

The concentration measured in this way is substantially independent of variation 
5 if any in the diffusion coefficient of the reduced form, and therefore is compensated for 
variations in temperature and viscosity. The concentration so measured is independent 
of variations in haematocrit and other substances which affect the diffusion coefficient of 
the reduced form of the redox species. 

It will be appreciated that the method of the invention is equally applicable for 
1 0 determining the concentration of a reduced form of a redox species or an oxidized form 
of a redox species in the cell. In the case that the concentration of the reduced form is to 
be determined the potential of the working electrode must be maintained such that the 
rate of electro oxidation of the reduced form is diffusion controlled in step (2) and it is 
the concentration of the reduced form that is obtained in step (5). In the case that the 
1 5 concentration of oxidized form is to be determined, the potential of the working 

electrode must be maintained such that the rate of electro reduction of the oxidized form 
is diffusion controlled in step (2) and it is the concentration of the oxidized form that is 
obtained in step (5). 

The redox species may be an analyte or may be a redox mediator. 
20 In preferred embodiments of the method a mediator is used and the concentration 

of the reduced (or oxidized) form of the mediator is in turn indicative of the 
concentration of an analyte and a measure of the diffusion coefficient of the reduced (or 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


oxidized) form of the mediator is determined as a precursor to the determination of the 
concentration of the analyte. 

For preference the cell comprises a working electrode and counter/reference 
electrode. If a reference electrode separate from a counter electrode is used, then the 
5 reference electrode may be in any convenient location in which it is in contact with the 
sample in the sensor. 

In contrast to prior art, when conducting the method of the invention, the 
electrodes are sufficiently close that the products of electrochemical reaction at the 
counter electrode migrate to the working electrode during the period of the test For 
10 example, in an enzyme ferricyanide system, the ferrocyanide produced at the counter 
electrode diffuses to the working electrode. 

This allows a steady state concentration profile to be achieved between the 
electrodes leading to a steady state current This in turn allows the diffusion coefficient 
and concentration of the redox species (mediator) to be measured independently of 
15 sample variations and therefore greatly improves accuracy and reliability. 

The method also permits the haematocrit concentration of blood to be determined 
from the diffusion coefficient by use of look-up tables (or by separation of red cells from 
plasma and measurement of the diffusion coefficient of the red cell fraction) and the 
plasma fraction, and comparing the two. 
20 According to a second aspect the invention consists in apparatus for determining 

the concentration of a redox species in an electrochemical cell comprising: 

an electrochemical cell having a working electrode and a counter (or 
counter/reference) electrode, 


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means for applying an electric potential difference between said electrodes, 
means for measuring the change in current with time, 

and characterised in that the working electrode is spaced from the counter 
electrode by less than 500 fim. 
5 In preferred embodiments the cell has an effective volume of 1 .5 microlitres or 

less. Apparatus for use in the invention may comprise a porous membrane, a working 
electrode on one side of the membrane, a counter/reference electrode on the other side, 
said electrodes together with a zone of the membrane therebetween defining an 
electrochemical cell, and wherein the membrane extends laterally from the cell to a 
10 sample deposition area spaced apart from the cell zone by a distance greater than the 
thickness of the membrane. 

Preferably the porous membrane, the distance of the target area from the cell 
portion, and the membrane thickness are so selected in combination that when blood 
(comprising plasma and red cells) is placed on the target area a plasma front diffuses 
15 laterally towards the electrochemical celt zone in advance of the red cells. 

It is thus possible to fill a thin layer electrochemical cell with plasma 
substantially free of haematocrit which would cause a variation in the diffusion 
coefficient of the redox mediator and which would affect the accuracy of the test as 
hereinafter explained 

20 In preferred embodiments of the biosensor according to the invention a second 

electrochemical cell zone of the membrane is defined by a second working electrode and 
a second counter/reference electrode on the opposite side of the membrane from the 
second working electrode. The second electrochemical cell zone is situated intermediate 


U S7/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


the first cell zone and the sample deposition or "target" area, or is situated on the side of 
the target area remote from the first electrochemical zone. In these embodiments the 
plasma comes into contact with enzyme in, or on route to, the first electrochemical cell 
while plasma reaching the second cell does not. The first cell thus in use measures the 
5 concentration of reduced mediator in the presence of plasma (including 

electrochemically interfering substances), and enzyme while the second electrochemical 
cell measures it in the presence of plasma (including electrochemically interfering 
substances) and in the absence of enzyme. This allows determination of the 
concentration of the reduced interfering substances in the second cell and the 
9 concentration of reduced interfering substances plus analyte in the first cell. Subtraction 
of the one value from the other gives the absolute concentration of analyte. 

In a highly preferred embodiment of the invention a hollow cell is employed 
wherein the working and reference (or counter/reference) electrodes are spaced apart by 
less than 500 pm and preferably by from 20 - 200 um. 

The invention will now be more particularly described by way of example only 
with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein: 

Figure 1 is a schematic drawing (not to scale) of a first embodiment according to 
the invention shown in side elevation. 
5 Figure 2 shows the embodiment of Figure 1 in plan, viewed from above. 

Figure 3 shows the embodiment of Figure 1 in plan, viewed from below. 
Figure 4 shows the embodiment of Figure 1 viewed in end elevation. 


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Figure 5 is a schematic drawing (not to scale) of a second embodiment according 
to the invention in side elevation. 

Figure 6 shows the embodiment of Figure 5 in plan, viewed from above. 

Figure 7 is a schematic drawing (not to scale) of a third embodiment according to 
5 the invention, in side elevation. 

Figure 8 shows the embodiment of Figure 7 in plan, viewed from above. 

Figure 9 is a schematic drawing (not to scale) according to the invention in plan 
view, viewed from above. 

Figure 10 shows the embodiment of Figure 9 in end elevation. 
10 Figure 1 1 shows the embodiment of Figure 9 in side elevation. 

Figure 12 shows a schematic drawing (not to scale) of a hollow cell embodiment 
according to the invention, viewed in cross section. 

Figure 13 is a graph showing a plot of current (ordinate axis) versus time (co- 
ordinate axis) during conduct of a method according to the invention. 
15 Figure 14 is a further graph of use in explaining the method of the invention. 

In Figures 5 to 12, components corresponding in function to components of the 
embodiment of Figures 1 to 4 are identified by identical numerals or indicia. 

With reference to Figures 1 to 4 there is shown a first embodiment of apparatus 
20 of the invention, in this case a biosensor for determining glucose in blood. The 

embodiment comprises a thin strip membrane 1 having upper and lower surfaces 2, 3 
and having a cell zone 4 defined between a working electrode 5 disposed on upper 
surface 2 and a counter electrode 6 disposed on lower surface 3. The membrane 


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thickness is selected so that the electrodes are separated by a distance "1" which is 
sufficiently close that the products of electrochemical reaction at the counter electrode 
migrate to the working electrode during the time of the test and a steady state diffusion 
profile is substantially achieved. Typically, T will be less than 500 urn. A sample 
5 deposition or "target" area 7 defined on upper surface 2 of membrane 1 is spaced at a 
distance greater than the membrane thickness from cell zone 4. Membrane 1 has a 
diffusion zone 8 extending between target area 7 and cell zone 4. A suitable reagent 
including a redox mediator "M", an enzyme "E" and a pH buffer "B" are contained 
within cell zone 4 of the membrane and/or between cell zone 4 and target area 7. The 
10 reagent may also include stabilisers and the like. 

In some cases it is preferable to locate the enzyme and mediator and/or the buffer 
in different zones of the membrane. For example the mediator may be initially located 
within electrochemical cell zone 4 while the enzyme may be situated below target area 7 
or in diffusion zone 8. 

15 Haemoglobin releases oxygen at low pH's, but at higher pH's it binds oxygen 

very firmly. Oxygen acts as a redox mediator for glucose oxidase dehydrogenase 
(GOD). In a glucose sensor this competes with the redox mediator leading to low 
estimates of glucose concentration. Therefore if desired a first pH buffer can be 
contained in the vicinity of target area 7 to raise the pH to such a level that all the 

20 oxygen is bound to haemoglobin. Such a pH would be non-optimal for GOD/glucose 
kinetics and would consequently be detrimental to the speed and sensitivity of the test 
In a preferred embodiment of the invention a second pH buffer is contained as a reagent 
in the vicinity of the working electrode to restore the pH to kinetically optimal levels. 


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The use of a second buffer does not cause oxygen to be released from the haemoglobin 
as the haemoglobin is contained within the blood cells which are retained near blood 
target area 7 or are retarded in diffusion in comparison with the plasma and therefore not 
influenced by the second buffer. In this manner oxygen interference may be greatly 
5 reduced or eliminated. 

In use of the sensor a drop of blood containing a concentration of glucose to be 
determined is placed on target zone 7. The blood components wick towards cell zone 4, 
the plasma component diffusing more rapidly than red blood cells so that a plasma front 
reaches cell zone 4 in advance of blood cells. 

10 When the plasma wicks into contact with the reagent, the reagent is dissolved and 

a reaction occurs that oxidises the analyte and reduces the mediator. After allowing a 
predetermined time to complete this reaction an electric potential difference is applied 
between the working electrode and the counter electrode. The potential of the working 
electrode is kept sufficiently anodic such that the rate of electro oxidation of the reduced 

15 form of the mediator at the working electrode is determined by the rate of diffusion of 
the reduced form of the mediator to the working electrode, and not by the rate of electron 
transfer across the electrode/solution interface. 

In addition the concentration of the oxidised form of the mediator at the counter 
electrode is maintai n ed at a level sufficient to ensure that when a current flows in the 

20 electrochemical cell the potential of the counter electrode, and thus also the potential of 
the working electrode, is not shifted so far in the cathodic direction that the potential of 
the working electrode is no longer in the diffusion controlled region. That is to say, the 
concentration of the oxidized form at the counter electrode must be sufficient to maintain 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


diffusion controlled electro oxidation of the reduced form of the mediator at the working 


The behaviour of a thin layer cell is such that if both oxidised and reduced forms 
of the redox couple are present, eventually a steady state concentration profile is 
5 established across the cell. This results in a steady state current It has been found that 
by comparing a measure of the steady state current with the rate at which the current 
varies in the current transient before the steady state is achieved, the diffusion coefficient 
of the redox mediator can be measured as well as its concentration. 

More specifically, by solving the difiusion equations for this situation it can be 
10 shown that over a restricted time range a plot of ln(i/i" -1) vs time (measured in seconds) 
is linear and has a slope (denoted by S) which is equal to -47t 2 D/l 2 , where "T is the 
current at time "t", T " is the steady state current, "D M is the difiusion coefficient in 
cm /sec, T is the distance between the electrodes in cm and V is approximately 
3.14159. The concentration of reduced mediator present when the potential was applied 
15 between the electrodes is given by 27t 2 r/FAl S, where "F" is Faraday's constant, A is the 
working electrode area and the other symbols are as given above. As this later formula 
uses S it includes the measured value of the diffusion coefficient 

Since 1 is a constant for a given cell, measurement of i as a function of time and 
f° enable the value of the diffusion coefficient of the redox mediator to be calculated and 
20 the concentration of the analyte to be determined. 

Moreover the determination of analyte concentration compensates for any 
variation to the diffusion coefficient of the species which is electro oxidised or electro 
reduced at the working electrode. Changes in the value of the diffusion coefficient may 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


occur as a result of changes in the temperature and viscosity of the solution or variation 
of the membrane permeability. Other adjustments to the measured value of the 
concentration may be necessary to account for other factors such as changes to the cell 
geometry, changes to the enzyme chemistry or other factors which may effect the 
5 measured concentration. If the measurement is made on plasma substantially free of 
haematocrit (which if present causes variation in the diffusion coefficient of the redox 
mediator) the accuracy of the method is further improved. 

Each of electrodes 5, 6 has a predefined area. In the embodiments of figures 1 to 
4 cell zone 4 is defined by edges 9, 10, 1 1 of the membrane which correspond with edges 

10 of electrodes 5, 6 and by leading (with respect to target area 7) edges 12, 13 of the 
electrodes. In the present example the electrodes are about 600 angstrom thick and are 
from 1 to 5 mm wide. 

Optionally, both sides of the membrane are covered with the exception of the 
target area 7 by laminating layers 14 (omitted from plan views) which serves to prevent 

15 evaporation of water from the sample and to provide mechanical robustness to the 

apparatus. Evaporation of water is undesirable as it concentrates the sample, allows the 
electrodes to dry out, and allows the solution to cool, affecting the diffusion coefficient 
and slowing the enzyme kinetics, although diffusion coefficient can be estimated as 

20 A second embodiment according to the invention, shown in Figures 5 and 6, 

differs from the first embodiment by inclusion of a second working electrode 25 and 
counter/reference electrode 26 defining a second cell zone 24 therebetween. These 
electrodes are also spaced apart by less than 500 ^iminthe present example. Second 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


electrodes 25, 26 are situated intermediate cell zone 4 and target area 7. In this 
embodiment the redox mediator is contained in the membrane below or adjacent to 
target area 7 or intermediate target area 7 and first cell zone 4. The enzyme is contained 
in the membrane in the first cell zone 4 and second cell zone 24. The enzyme does not 
5 extend into second cell 24. In this case when blood is added to the target area, it 
dissolves the redox mediator. This wicks along the membrane so that second 
electrochemical cell 24 contains redox mediator analyte and serum including 
electrochemically interfering substances. First electrochemical cell receives mediator, 
analyte, serum containing electrochemically interfering substances, and enzyme. 

1 0 Potential is now applied between both working electrodes and the counter electrode or 
electrodes but the change in current with time is measured separately for each pair. This 
allows the determination of the concentration of reduced mediator in the absence of 
analyte plus the concentration of electrochemically interfering substances in the second 
electrochemical cell and the concentration of these plus analyte in the first 

15 electrochemical cell. Subtraction of the one value from the other gives the absolute 
concentration of analyte. 

The same benefit is achieved by a different geometry in the embodiment of 
Figures 7 and 8 in which the second working electrode and second counter/reference 
electrode define the second cell 24 on the side of target area 7 remote from first 

:o electrochemical cell 4. In this case the enzyme may be contained in the membrane strip 
between the target area and cell 1. The redox mediator may be in the vicinity of the 
target area or between the target area and each cell. The diffusion coefficient of 
mediator is lowered by undissolved enzyme and the arrangement of Figures 7 and 8 has 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


the advantage of keeping enzyme out of the thin layer cells and allowing a faster test (as 
the steady state current is reached more quickly). Furthermore the diffusion constant of 
redox mediator is then the same in both thin layer cells allowing more accurate 
subtraction of interference. 
5 Although the embodiments of Figures 1 to 8 are unitary sensors, it will be 

understood that a plurality of sensors may be formed on a single membrane as shown in 
the embodiment of Figures 9 to 1 1 . In this case the electrodes of one sensor are 
conductively connected to those of an adjacent sensor. Sensors may be used 
successively and severed from the strip after use. 

10 In the embodiment of Figures 9 to 1 1 electrode dimensions are defined in the 

diffusion direction (indicated by arrow) by the width of the electrode in that direction. 
The effective dimension of the electrode in a direction transverse to diffusion direction is 
defined between compressed volumes 16 of the membrane in a manner more fully 
described in co-pending Application PCT/AU96/00210, the disclosures of which is 

1 5 incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. For clarity optional laminated layer 1 4 
of Figure 1 has been omitted from figures 9 to 1 1. 

In the embodiment of Figure 1 2 there is shown a hollow cell according to the 
invention wherein the electrodes 5, 6 are supported by spaced apart polymer walls 30 to 
define a hollow cell. An opening 31 is provided on one side of the cell whereby a 

20 sample can be admitted into cavity 32. In this embodiment a membrane is not used. As 
in previous embodiments, the electrodes are spaced apart by less than 500 jim, 
preferably 20 - 400 ym and more preferably 20 - 200 fim. Desirably the effective cell 
volume is 1 .5 microlitres or less. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


It will be understood that the method of the invention may be performed with a 
cell constructed in accord with co-pending application PCT/AU95/00207 or cells of 
other known design, provided these are modified to provide a sufficiently small distance 
between electrode faces. 

5 The method of the invention will now be further exemplified with reference to 

figures 13 and 14. 

A membrane 130 microns thick was coated on both sides with a layer of 
Platinum 60 nanometers thick. An area of 12.6 sq. mm was defined by compressing the 
1 0 membrane. 1 .5 microlitres of a solution containing 0.2 Molar potassium ferricyanide 
and 1 % by weight glucose oxidase dehydrogenase was added to the defined area of the 
membrane and the water allowed to evaporate. 

The platinum layers were then connected to a potentiostat to be used as the 
working and counter/reference electrodes. 3.0 microlitres of an aqueous solution 
15 contairring5niillimolre 

area of the membrane. After an elapse of 20 seconds a voltage of 300 millivolts was 
applied between the working and counter/reference electrodes and the current recorded 
for a further 30 seconds at intervals of 0. 1 seconds. 

Figure 13 is a graph of current versus time based on die above measurements. 
20 Using a value of the steady state current of 26.9 microamps the function ln(i/26.9 - 1) 
was computed and plotted versus time. The slope of die graph (Figure 14) is -0.342 
which corresponds to a diffusion coefficient of 1.5 x 10" 6 cm 2 per second and a corrected 
glucose concentration (subtracting background ferrocyanide) of 5.0 millimolar. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


The steady state current is one in which no further significant current change 
occurs during the test. As will be understood by those skilled in the art, a minimum 
current may be reached after which there may be a drift due to factors such as lateral 
diffusion, evaporation, interfering electrochemical reactions or the like. However, in 
5 practice it is not difficult to estimate the "steady state" current (f). One method for 
doing so involves approximating an initial value for i 00 . Using the fit of the i versus t 
data to the theoretical curve a better estimate of i 00 is then obtained. This is repeated 
reiteratively until the measured value and approximated value converge to within an 
acceptable difference, thus yielding an estimated i* 

1 0 In practice, the measurements of current i at time t are made between a minimum 

time t min and a maximum time t max after the potential is applied. The minimum and 
maximum time are determined by the applicability of the equations and can readily be 
determined by experiment of a routine nature. If desired the test may be repeated by 
switching off the voltage and allowing the concentration profiles of the redox species to 

1 5 return towards their initial states. 

It is to be understood that the analysis of the current v. time curve to obtain 
values of the Diffusion Co-efficient and/or concentration is not limited to the method 
given above but could also be achieved by other methods. 

For instance, the early part of the current v. time curve could be analysed by the 

20 Cottrell equation to obtain a value of D* x Co (Co = Concentration of analyte) and the 
steady state current analysed to obtain a value of D x Co. These 2 values can then be 
compared to obtain D and C separately: 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


It will be understood that in practice of the invention an electrical signal is issued 
by the apparatus which is indicative of change in current with time. The signal may be 
an analogue or digital signal or may be a series of signals issued at predetermined time 
intervals. These signals may be processed by means of a microprocessor or other 
5 conventional circuit to perform the required calculations in accordance with stored 
algorithms to yield an output signal indicative of the diffusion coefficient, analyte 
concentration, haematocrit concentration or the like respectively. One or more such 
output signals may be displayed by means of an analogue or digital display. 

It is also possible by suitable cell design to operate the cell as a depletion cell 
10 measuring the current required to deplete the mediator. For example in the embodiment 
of Figure 5 the method of the invention may be performed using electrodes 5, 6, which 
are spaced apart by less than 500 nm. An amperometric or voltammetric depletion 
measurement may be made using electrodes 5 and 26 which are spaced apart more than 
500 urn and such that there is no interference between the redox species being 
1 5 amperometrically determined at electrodes 5, 26. 

The depletion measurement may be made prior to, during or subsequent to, the 
measurement of diffusion coefficient by the method of the invention. This enables a 
substantial improvement in accuracy and reproducability to be obtained 

In the embodiments described the membrane is preferably an asymmetric porous 
20 membrane of the kind described in Patent No. 4,629,563 and 4,774,039 both of which 
are incorporated herein in their entirety by reference. However symmetrical porous 
membranes may be employed. The membrane may be in the form of a sheet, tube, 
hollow fibre or other suitable form. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


If the membrane is asymmetric the target area is preferably on the more open side 
of the asymmetric membrane. The uncompressed membrane desirably has a thickness of 
from 20 to 500 jim. The minimum thickness is selected having regard to speed, 
sensitivity, accuracy and cost. If desired a gel may be employed to separate haematocrit 
5 from GOD. The gel may be present between the electrodes and/or in the space between 
the sample application area and the electrodes. 

The working electrode is of any suitable metal for example gold, silver, platinum, 
palladium, iridium, lead, a suitable alloy. The working electrode may be preformed or 
formed in situ by any suitable method for example sputtering, evaporation under partial 

10 vacuum, by electrodeless plating, electroplating, or the like. Suitable non-metal 
conductors may also be used for electrode construction. For example, conducting 
polymers such as poly(pyrrole), poly(aniline), porphyrin "wires", poly(isoprene) and 
poly (cis-butadiene) doped with iodine and "ladder polymers". Other non-metal 
electrodes may be graphite or carbon mixed with a binder, or k carbon filled plastic. 

15 Inorganic electrodes such as In 2 0 3 or Sn0 2 may also be used. The counter/reference 
electrode may for example be of similar construction to the working electrode. Nickel 
hydroxide or a silver halide may also be used to form the counter/reference electrode. 
Silver chloride may be employed but it will be understood that chloridisation may not be 
necessary and silver may be used if sufficient chloride ions are present in the blood 

20 sample. Although in the embodiments described the working electrode is shown on the 
upper surface of the biosensor and the counter/reference electrode is on the lower 
surface, these may be reversed. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


It is preferable that the working electrode and counter (or counter/reference) 
electrodes are of substantially the same effective geometric area. 

If a separate reference and counter electrode are employed, they may be of 
similar construction. The reference electrode can be in any suitable location. 
5 It will be understood that the features of one embodiment hereindescribed may be 

combined with those of another. The invention is not limited to use with any particular 
combination of enzyme and mediator and combinations such as are described in EP 
0351 892 or elsewhere may be employed. The system may be used to determine analytes 
other than glucose (for example, cholesterol) by suitable adaptation of reagents and by 
1 0 appropriate membrane selection. Thje system may also be adapted for use with media 
other than blood. For example, the method may be employed to determine the 
concentration of contaminants such as chlorine, iron, lead, cadmium, copper, etc., in 

Although the cells herein described have generally planar and parallel electrodes 
15 it will be understood that other configurations may be employed, for example one 
electrode could be a rod or needle and the other a concentric sleeve. 

It will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the disclosure hereof the 
invention may be embodied in other forms without departing from the inventive concept 
herein disclosed. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 



1 . A method for determining the concentration of a reduced (or oxidised) form of a 
redox species in an electrochemical cell of the kind comprising a working electrode and 
a counter electrode spaced from the working electrode by a predetermined distance, said 

5 method comprising the steps of: 

(1) applying an electric potential difference between the electrodes, 

(2) selecting the potential of the working electrode such that the rate of 
electro-oxidation of the reduced form (or electro-reduction of the oxidised form) of the 
species is diffusion controlled, 

1 0 (3) selecting the spacing between the working electrode and the counter 

electrode so that reaction products from the counter electrode arrive at the working 

(4) determining current as a function of time after application of the potential 
and prior to achievement of a steady state, 
15 (5) estimating the magnitude of the steady state current, and 

(6) obtaining from the change in current with time and the magnitude of the 
steady state current, a value indicative of the diffusion coefficient and/or of the 
concentration of the reduced form (or the oxidised form) of the species. 

2. A method according to Claim 1 wherein a steady state concentration profile of 
20 electrochemical reaction products is achieved between the working electrode and counter 

electrode during the period of a test. 

3. A method according to Claim 1 or Claim 2 wherein the electrodes are separated 
by less than 500 \xm. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


4. A method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the redox 
species is a mediator and the concentration of the reduced (or oxidised) form of the 
mediator is indicative of the concentration of an analyte and wherein a measure of the 
diffiision coefficient of the reduced (or oxidised) form of the mediator is determined as a 

5 precursor to the determination of the concentration of the analyte. 

5. A method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the steady state 
current is estimated by approximating an initial value for the steady state current, 
measuring a discrepancy between measured current versus time data and a theoretical 
curve, and using the degree of discrepancy, if any, to obtain a better estimate of the 

10 steady state current 

6. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 3 wherein the redox species is an 

7. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 3 wherein the redox species is a 

15 8. A method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the cell 

comprises a working electrode, a counter electrode and a separate reference electrode. 
9. A method according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the spacing 
between the electrodes is selected such that the steady state current is achieved within a 
desired time. 

20 10. A method substantially as herein described with reference to any one of the 

11. Apparatus for use in a method according to Claim 1 comprising a porous 
membrane, a working electrode on one side of the membrane, a counter electrode on the 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


other side of the membrane, said electrodes together with a zone of the membrane 
therebetween defin^g an electrochemical cell, and wherein the membrane extends 
laterally from the cell to a sample deposition area spaced apart from the cell zone by a 
distance greater than the thickness of the membrane. 
5 1 2. Apparatus according to Claim 1 1 wherein the electrochemical cell contains a 

13. Apparatus according to Claim 1 1 or Claim 12 wherein the electrochemical cell 
contains a mediator. 

1 4. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 1 to 1 3 wherein the membrane 

1 0 contains an enzyme intermediate the electrochemical cell and the sample deposition area. 

15. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 1 to 1 4 further comprising a pH 
buffer in the vicinity of the sample deposition area. 

1 6. Apparatus according to Claim 1 5 further comprising a pH buffer in the vicinity 
of the working electrode. 

15 17. Apparatus according to Claim 1 1 comprising a second electrochemical cell zone 
of the membrane defined by a second working electrode and a second counter/reference 
electrode on the opposite side of the membrane from the second working electrode, 
1 8. Apparatus according to Claim 17 wherein the second electrochemical cell zone is 
situated intermediate the first cell zone and the sample deposition or target area. 

20 1 9. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 1 to 1 8 wherein the uncompressed 
membrane has a thickness of less than 500 jim. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


20. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 1 to 19 wherein the working electrode 
is a metal selected from the group comprising gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, 
lead and alloys thereof. 

21 . Apparatus for determining the concentration of a redox species in an 
5 electrochemical cell comprising: 

an electrochemical cell having a working electrode and a counter (or 
counter/reference) electrode, 

means for applying an electric potential difference between said electrodes, 
means for measuring the change in current with time, and characterised in that 
10 the working electrode is spaced from the counter electrode by less than 500 um. 

22. A hollow electrochemical cell comprising a working electrode, a counter and an 
opening for admitting an analyte to the cell, the working electrode being spaced from the 
counter by less than 500 um. 

23. An electrochemical cell according to claim 21 or claim 22 wherein the electrodes 
15 are spaced from 100 - 200 um apart. 

24. An electrochemical cell according to any one of claims 21 to 23 wherein the 
electrodes are facing one another. 

25. An electrochemical cell according to any one of claims 21 to 24 wherein the 
electrodes are of substantially corresponding area. 

20 26. An electrochemical cell according to any one of claims 21 to 25 comprising a 
working electrode, a counter electrode and a separate reference electrode. 
27. An electrochemical cell according to any one of claims 21 to 26 having an 
effective cell volume of less than 1 .5 microlitres. 


WO 97/00441 PCT/AU96/00365 


28. Apparatus substantially as herein described with reference to any one of the 

29. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 1 to 28 for use in measuring the 
concentration of glucose in blood. 

5 30. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 1 0 when used for determining 
haematocrit concentration. 


WO 97/00441 







WO 97/00441 









15 25 5 


26 6 

FIG. 11 




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32 n 

A V V V, 

FIG 12 




WO 97/00441 



(sdweojDjui) judjjnj 


WO 97/00441 








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International Application No. 
PCT/AU 96/00365 


Int Cfi : G01N 27/42 27/52 27/49 

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 
IPC :G01N 27/42 27/52 27/49 

Documentation searched other than nunimura documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 
AU : IPC as above 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


EP 255291 A (UNILEVER NV) 3 February 1988 
column 3 lines 20-58 
the whole document 

3 February 1994 
the whole document 

the whole document 

M0, 30 



Further documents arc listed in the continuation of Box C 


See patent family a 


Special categories of cited documents: 

document defining the general state of the art which is 
not considered to be of particular relevance 
earlier document but published on or after the 

document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) 
or which is cited to establish the publication date of 
another citation or other special reason (as specified) 
document referring to an oral disclosure, use, 
exhibition or other means 

document published prior to the international filing 
date but later than the priority date claimed 

T later document published after the international riling date or 
priority date and not in conflict with the application but cited to 
understand the principle or theory underlying the invention 

"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot 
be considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an 
inventive step when the document is taken alone 

*Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot 
be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
c ombin ed with one or more other such documents, such 
combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

"&* document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
9 August 1996 

Date of mailing of the international search report 

28 AU6W96 

Name and mailing address of the 1SA/AU 


PO BOX 200 


AUSTRALIA Facsimile No.: (06) 285 3929 

Authorized officer 


Telephone No.: (06) 283 2168 

Form PCT/ISA/2 10 (second sheet) (July 1 992) cophin 

Farm PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992) copirin 


international Application No. 
PCT/AU 96/00365 

Box 1 Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 1 of first sheet) 

This International Search Report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following 


I. Claims Nos.: 

because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely: 

2. J J Claims Nos.: 

because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requrrements to 
such an extent that no meaningrul international search can be carried out, specifically: 

3. |~J Claims Nos.: 

because they are dependent claims and are hot drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 

Box II Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet) 

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows: 

1 . Claims 1-10, 30 directed to a method for deterrruning the concentration of a reduced (or oxidised) form of a redox 
species in an electrochemical cell. 

2. Claims 1 1-20, 28, 29 directed to an apparatus for use in a method according to claim 1. 

continued on the extra sheet 

1 0 As 311 required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all 
searchable claims 

2 ' [ill ^ 311 searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying an additional fee, this Authority did not invite 
payment of any additional fee. 

3. As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search 

report covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos. : 


I I No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant ConsequenUy, this international search 
report is restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos. : 

Remark on Protest | | The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest 

| | No protest accornpanied the payment of additional search fees. 

Form PCT/KA/210 (continuation of first sheet(l)) (July 1992) cophin 


International Application No. 
PCT/AU 96/00365 

3. Claims 2 1-27 directed to an apparatus 
as reasoned below: 

concentration of a redox species in an electrochemical cell, 

The international application does not comply with the requirements of unity of invention because h does not relate t« 
one invention or to a group of invention so linked as to form a single general inventive concStacZL^ ST 
conclusion the International Searching Authority has found that Zeara threTuSoS ^ "* 

1-10, 30 directed to a memri^^ 
redox species comprising sbc different steps including the steps of detemuning current as a function of time and 

2. Claims 11-20, 28 29 directed to an apparatus "foruse-mantethodac^rdingtoclaim 1. It is considered that 
nTJT an STIk T to ^^^^thusthe claims are directed toTa^nT 
having ^ekctrochenucal cell defined by a porous membrane, a working electrode and a counter eleSodTft is 

** " electrochemical «« **** ^ a porous membrane, a working electrode aTa co\mte7 
electrode comprises a second "special technical feature". ana a counter 

3. Claims 2l " 27 ^t^to an apparatus for determining the concentration of a redox species in an dectrocfaemical 

u " ^ ^ deCtr0de * si*** the counter electrode byTess than 500 uT 

*^«Stec^cS^^re^ e ' ectro( k s P ace< ' fr 0 ™ ^ counter electrode by less than 500 pm comprisesa third 

nSo!S,S > ^ enti ^ ed ° fC,aimS d0 1101 Share either ofthe technical features identified, a "technical 
relationship between the inventus, as defined in PCT rule 13.2 does not exist. Accordingly t^uiten^ond anphcation 
does not relate to one invention or to a single inventive concept. «™anonai application 

Fonn PCT/ISA/210 (extra sheet) (July 1992) cophin 

Information on patent family members 

International Application No. 
PCT/AU 96/00365 

This Annex lists the known " A* publication level patent family members relating to the patent documents cited 
in the above-mentioned international search report. The Australian Patent Office is in no way liable for these 
particulars which are merely given for the purpose of information. 

Patent Document Cited in Search 

Patent Family Member 





ES 2033854 







Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex) (July 1992) copfem 


